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# Microbial cell abundance and carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur content
#  from venting fluids and microbial mats at Axial Seamount, 2011
# PI: Julie A. Huber (Marine Biological Laboratory)
# Version: 21 January 2016
cruise_id  geo_loc_name                    env_feature           env_biome  organism              
AT18-08    Pacific_Ocean:_Axial_Seamount   hydrothermal_vent     ocean      marine_metagenome     
sample_name    lat      lon        collection_date  depth  vent_name     sample_title                                        env_material  cell_count   conf_level_95pcnt   pcnt_C   pcnt_N   pcnt_S   
White Floc 1   45.942   -129.985   20110824         1517   Subway        White floculent from Subway Vent; Axial Seamount    biofilm       8.6 x 10^8   +/- 2.7 x 10^7      1.83     0.45     37.9     
White Floc 2   45.942   -129.985   20110830         1516   Subway        White floculent from Subway Vent; Axial Seamount    biofilm       9.8 x 10^8   +/- 2.0 x 10^7      0.71     0.16     6.66     
Orange Floc    45.933   -129.982   20110830         1515   Marker 33     Orange floculent from Marker 33; Axial Seamount     biofilm       3.4 x 10^7   +/- 1.2 x 10^6      1.28     0.16     0.79     
FS825          45.946   -129.985   20110729         1524   Snow Globe    Fluid sample from Snow Globe vent; Axial Seamount   water         3.0 x 10^5   +/- 1.5 x 10^4      nd       nd       nd       
FS834          45.928   -129.985   20110730         1519   Boca          Fluid sample from Boca vent; Axial Seamount         water         3.3 x 10^5   +/- 1.1 x 10^4      nd       nd       nd